Pastor Claire Repsholdt
Patchogue, NY
Claire (she/her/hers) was born and raised at a little family church in the Chicago suburbs, where both sides of her family lived. She discerned a call to ministry during her senior year at Indiana University, where her studies in English and History led her to theological questions, and her leadership at church and in a Lutheran sorority kept her energized. She went to seminary at Yale Divinity School, where she reveled in ecumenical opportunities, and she graduated during the height of COVID in May of 2020. She has served as an inner city hospital chaplain and as an apprentice at the LGBTQ+ ministry wonderland in Baltimore at partnered St. Mark’s and Dreams and Visions Lutheran churches. She is now serving her first call as the solo pastor the Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Patchogue, New York, where she delights in creating loving worship, deep relationships, and vibrant community connections. She most often finds that the Holy Spirit reaches her in poetry books, yoga classes, delicious meals, and live performances.