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Microgrants from the NE-MN EcoFaith Network

The EcoFaith Network, Northeastern Minnesota Synod is a growing network of congregations and companion partners living out God’s call to be stewards of the earth for the sake of the whole creation. The EcoFaith micro-grant program equips congregations and partners (camps, campus ministries, etc) to live into this calling  by providing seed money for specific ministry initiatives.  


Grants are available in amounts between $100-$1000.


Projects in a variety of areas are eligible for seed money funding, including but not limited to:


  • Art and environment

  • Community gardening

  • Community engagement and advocacy

  • Education

  • Energy conservation (e.g. solar panels, off-peak water heaters, etc.)

  • Participation in a regional conference

  • Pollinator Project initiatives

  • Special events and speakers

  • Wilderness encounter

  • Youth environmental action and exploration


Please send your completed proposal to:


* If awarded, we want to support you and to share your experience with others!  We can meet with you once or twice over zoom. We will ask for you to send pictures and let us know what is happening as a result of your grant.  


*We want to hear how your project is going!  Please feel free to be in touch through the EcoFaith Network NE Minnesota Synod Facebook Page or by contacting any members of the EcoFaith Network NE MN Synod Leadership Team.   Even if you do not receive the funding you have requested, we would like to find other ways to support you in your efforts!


Microgrants are made possible by the generous support of EcoFaith Network Partner Congregations and EcoFaith Donors. The EcoFaith Network Leadership Team will contact you within a month of receiving your proposal.

Other Funding and Technical Resources


  • CERT (Clean Energy Resource Teams) - Funding opportunities arise once every 2 years and are typically seed funding opportunities in the amount of $5,000 or less. CERTs can help identify resources to successfully implement and complete clean energy projects, and has many resources listed on their website, including model ordinances for solar and wind energy.

  • Your local electric utility - Each Minnesota utility s required by state statute to have a Conservation Improvement Program (CIP). Connect with you local utility to see if they have any rebates for energy efficiency or renewable energy.

  • MN RETAP (Retiree Environmental Technical Assistance Program) - a program operated through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that works to help cities, counties, and others reduce their carbon footprints by conducting energy audits and reducing energy consumption. More resources can be found here.

  • USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) - with countless program offerings, one of perhaps the most relevant to energy & Environment work is the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). USDA's Landscape Planning efforts offer a watershed and flood prevention program that works with local government on watershed projects. USDA also offers energy efficiency and renewable energy grants and loans from the Rurual Energy for America Program (REAP).

  • Solar United Neighbors - bulk solar buys


Water & Forestry

  • MN DNR - wildlife management areas, aquatic invasive species, forestry management, and many other services.

  • MDH (MN Department of Health) - drinking water quality and testing.

  • One Watershed One Plan (1W1P) - Minnesota does watershed-based planning and project implementation and have funds to implement projects that improve water quality. Check to see if your watershed is participating with the link or contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District.

  • Your local Soil and Water Conservation District - annual tree planting and area specific initiatives.



  • UMN RSDP (University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Program) - There are five regional sustainable partnerships connecting Greater MN communities to the U of MN in order to support local sustainability projects.

  • Minnesota Green Corps - a program operated through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that addresses critical environmental issues and provides green job skills to service members who serve for 11 months with local governments, nonprofits, and educational institutions.

  • GreenStep Cities - a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency program that helps cities become more sustainable through peer connections, funding and technical assistance.

  • MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) - funding opportunities are fluid, so check the website for the latest opportunities.

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