Green Blades Rising
"Now the Green Blade Rises from the buried grain"
Green Blades Rising is the monthly e-newsletter of the EcoFaith Network, co-sponsored by Saint Paul Synod Area Synod Care of Creation. It contains green tips, preaching reflections, advocacy opportunities, book reviews, stories from congregations and synods, upcoming events, and more!
Read here the stories, articles and book reviews found in Green Blades Rising
Stories from Congregations and Synods
Sharing the ways that God has inspired and called congregations and synods to Care for Creation
Green Tips
Keeping us up to date on the latest coming out of the scientific community about how God's Creation is doing
Book Corner
Reviews and Recommendations for books related to Care of Creation. Find your next read!
When the Ice Is Gone
Paul Bierman
This book reads like an adventure story, with intrepid military officials trying to conquer the ice and with scientists making important new discoveries, but its message about disappearing ice is also an important one as collectively we try to chart a sustainable path to the future.
Do you have something to include in the newsletter? Email us at ecofaith@nemnsynod.org