Partner Congregations
Dear companions in care for the whole Creation,
The signs are all around us. From the disastrous floods early summer and the hottest summer and early Fall on record in Minnesota and globally, to the devastation of Hurricane Helene for our neighbors in the United States’ Southeast ~ and so much more ~ we can see that this is a Kairos moment, a decisive turning point, for the Church of Jesus Christ to respond to the climate and biodiversity crisis with faith active in love.
At our 2023 Northeastern Minnesota Synod’s assembly, we resolved to respond to “this Kairos moment of the climate crisis as a synod and as congregations”. Together as a synod, as congregations, camps, and WELCA, we ARE responding to this Kairos moment! We have become a Pollinator Synod, and 49 congregations have become or are on the way to becoming Pollinator Sanctuaries, growing a web of healthy habitat for these endangered species across northeastern Minnesota. We continue to host the annual EcoFaith Summit, which this year featured Larry Rasmussen and drew 300 people in person and online for Cross Currents in the Flood: Building Arcs Together for a Livable Planet.
Thank you for your partnership in all that is germinating in our synod for the care of creation! And thank you to this year’s twenty-two EcoFaith Network Partner Congregations, who, along with individual Donors and the synod’s budgeted commitment to the EcoFaith Network, make all this possible.
We invite you to join with your sibling congregations as a 2025 EcoFaith Network Congregation Partner by praying for the Creation and those who work to repair it, sharing with us your creation care story and making a financial contribution of any amount.Your Partner contribution helps fund EcoFaith micro-grants, the EcoFaith Summit, the Green Blades Rising Newsletter, the website, and the stipend for the EcoFaith Network Communication Coordinator.
We cannot do this work alone. Thank God we do not need to do it alone. Let us turn to one another in Christ for the sake of the whole Creation! Please join your sibling congregations in the Northeastern Minnesota Synod by becoming a 2025 EcoFaith Partner Congregation!
In Christ, Green Blades Rising +
David Carlson and Kristin Foster
On behalf of the NE MN Synod EcoFaith Network Leadership
EcoFaith Network 2024 Partner Congregations
Thank you to these twenty-five congregations in the Northeastern Minnesota Synod for your contribution to our shared work as we live out God’s call to be stewards of the earth for the sake of the whole creation!
Baptism River, Finland
Bethel-Trinity, Bovey
Bethlehem, Brainerd
Bethlehem, Grand Marais
Bethlehem, Twig/Saginaw
Calvary, Mora
Church of the Cross, Nisswa
Concordia, Duluth
Faith United, Iron
First, Aitkin
First, Duluth
First, Hibbing
Gloria Dei, Duluth
Grand Marais, Bethlehem
Holden, Isle
Immanuel, Princeton
Knife River, Knife River
Lutheran Church of the Cross, Nisswa
Our Redeemer, Pine City
Our Savior’s, Outing
St. Andrews, Grand Rapids
Trinity, Cass Lake
Trinity, Hovland
Zion WELCA, Grand Rapids
Zion, Milaca
We will acknowledge all 2024 Partner Congregations at the end of the fiscal year.