Partner Organizations

Duluthians collaborating to restore monarch habitat and to educate residents about the ecology of monarchs.

The EcoFaith Network seeks to bring congregations together as we build awareness and work towards building a more sustainable, just, and equitable community. As a network, join together to take action for a new vision of God’s creation.

Lutheran Advocacy-MN is a state public policy office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). LA-MN advocates for justice in the areas of hunger, poverty, and care of God's creation. Working together with congregations, coalitions, and legislators throughout the state of Minnesota, LA-MN creates networks to advance public policies that promote and protect the common good.

Lutherans Restoring Creation is a grassroots movement promoting care for creation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. LRC accomplishes this by cultivating a community of dedicated stewards of earth and neighbor who proclaim God’s promise of hope and healing for all.

Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light works in partnership with faith and spiritual communities to build transformative power and bring the lights of people’s unique gifts to addressing the climate crisis.
MNIPL grows the climate movement in Minnesota by empowering individuals and communities across the state to take action that is authentic, effective, and energizing in their context.

The Northwest Synod of Wisconsin is 1 of 65 synods in the ELCA. We are region 5-H. There are 195 congregations (over 93,000 members) in our synod.
Synod means walking together, which describes our interdependent ministry relationship as we support mission partners, carry out synodical and churchwide initiatives, provide for education events and leadership training, respond to disaster and emergency needs, and heed the call to be a church engaged in all the world.