Global Treaty on Plastics?
Global support for regulations to control plastic waste is increasing as the immense amount of plastic pollution continues to grow. At least 75% of all plastics ever produced has now become plastic waste, polluting all of God's creation. Currently, 150 million metric tons of plastic waste are polluting the world's oceans, and micro-plastics are everywhere. The magnitude of this pollution has convinced even chemical industry associations to acknowledge the problem and call for a global solution. In March, 2022 the U.N. Environment Assembly passed a resolution requiring a new multilateral treaty, by 2024, to reduce plastic pollution by mandating a life-cycle approach of regulation. It even includes a focus on the toxic additives to plastics which are serious human contaminants. This resolution was signed by 175 nations and, if the treaty is ratified, it would be legally binding.

Steve Spigarelli
EcoFaith Network NE MN Team
First Lutheran Church, Aitkin, MN
Northeastern Minnesota Synod