February 1, 2025
Lenten Letter Challenge 2025 from Lutheran Advocacy - MN

Tamela K. Walhof
St. Paul, MN
We need you – your congregation, campus, youth group, confirmation class, WELCA group, church committee, or whatever – to be in contact with your Minnesota state representative and senator! It is in relationship with their constituents that our legislators know what we care about, and why.
Letters can be written during a special time in worship, before or after a meal, as part of a forum or in small groups. It is effective to collect the letters as an offering to God, and to pray that legislators will be moved by them. Remember that we do this as part of our faith, acting as God’s advocacy ambassadors for love of neighbor and creation. Notecards, rather than big impersonal pieces of paper, help make the letters/notes feel more personal to the legislator, and assist in the relationship-building process. Download the PDF or Word document, and print each issue page back-to-back with the corresponding sample letter page. Or, send the pages out in advance and encourage people to bring their letters to your next meeting or gathering to dedicate and send them jointly.

Tamela K. Walhof
Lutheran Advocacy - Minnesota
St. Paul, MN
Tammy Walhof's passion for justice has led her to volunteer with low-income families in the U.S., work for 6 years in organizing and development in Latin America, travel to various African countries, and work in faith-based advocacy for more than two decades. Tammy’s background in public policy analysis has served her in state government, in her previous positions at Bread for the World, and as Director of Lutheran Advocacy-MN since 2014.