Theological Resources
Written by David Carlson, co-chair of the EcoFaith Network NE-MN Synod
Written by Diane Jacobson, professor emerita of Bible at Luther Seminary and bi-synodical member of Saint Paul Area Synod Care of Creation and NE-MN EcoFaith Leadership Team.
Our friends at Lutherans Restoring Creation have many excellent theological resources on caring for creation, including a sermon playlist, lectionary commentaries, ecological reflections on Luther's small catechism, and more! Check out their website here.
ELCA Social Teaching
The ELCA has social teaching that guides our vocation in the body of Christ. The ELCA adopted Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope and Justice at the 1993 churchwide assembly.
The ELCA writes that "Caring for Creation expresses a call to pursue justice for creation through active participation, solidarity, sufficiency and sustainability, and states the commitments of the ELCA for pursuing wholeness for creation — commitments expressed through individual and community action, worship, learning, moral deliberation and advocacy."
Do you have suggestions of other resources? Let us know at!