Pollinator Project
Pollinator Project Map
There are 49 congregations in the Northeastern Minnesota Synod engaged in the pollinator project!
Do you have a pollinator garden at your congregation? Contact ecofaith@nemnsynod.org so we can add you to the map!
What does it mean to be a part of the Pollinator Project?
There are 49 congregations in varying stages of becoming Pollinator Sanctuaries. The Pollinator Project Steering Committee has developed a list of guidelines to assist congregations in implementing pollinator friendly practices.
In order to raise awareness and support in your congregation for participating in this Pollinator Sanctuary movement, we encourage you to consider bringing it to your congregation council or annual meeting.
Free Pollinator Sanctuary Yard Signs and Pollinator Sanctuary Fliers are available at the NE-MN Synod office. Please call ahead.
Below are resoruces to help:
Guidelines for becoming a Pollinator Sanctuary Congregation
Guidelines established by the Pollinator Steering Committee.
Have questions? We would be happy to hear from you. Please email chairperson Tom here.
Pollinator Litany and Hymn Suggestions for Synod Pollinator Sunday
The NE-MN Synod and its EcoFaith Network invite congregations have designated June 2, 2024, to be the first “Green Sunday” of the Season after Pentecost, as Synod Pollinator Sunday. Congregations are welcome to celebrate Pollinator Sunday on any day of their choosing.
Plotting Resources
Plotting Resources includes information on public advocacy and action for pollinators as well as tips on starting and maintaining pollinator gardens and monarch waystations.
Plotting for Pollinators
On May 17, 2023, the Pollinator Steering Group hosted an event with information and advice on starting, growing, and maintaining pollinators gardens and monarch waystations, which you can listen to here.